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The innovation

Passive Stretching

Drug-free help for your musculoskeletal issues from the Finnish innovation

What is VENYY based on?

Mihin VENYY perustuu?

Passive Stretching

The studies especially emphasize the effects of passive stretching. Passive stretching means a stretch that is caused by some outer force like another person or an assisting device. It will activate the nervous system, which according to studies makes positive changes in the health of musculoskeletal system. In the light of a new research, passive stretching can also protect from serious diseases of the circulatory system.

When stretching with VENYY, the 8 kg heavy VENYY bar will cause an effective passive chain to stretch to your body.

In the passive stretching, the ability of the muscles to remain relaxed is much greater than in any other way. This is important, because only a relaxed muscle can stretch. When getting used to a new length, a long-lasting static stretch slowly relaxes the muscle. A relaxed muscle will rupture in a cell level and more sarcomeres are developed. With regular VENYY stretching, a muscle grows in length, and pains in the joints and problems caused by shortened muscle groups will start to diminish.

Kuva: Ommellinen Oy

Unique Posterior Chain Stretch rehabilitates back problems and pains


Back muscles are part of the posterior chain that comprises all the muscles, tendons, ligaments and fascia on the back side of the body. The posterior chain reaches from head all the way down to heels. The body is a complex system composed of different parts that have mutual relationship with the others. If the chain has strong or chronic muscle stiffness in some part, it weakens the functioning of the whole chain causing pain and even changes in the joint angles.

The heavy VENYY stretching tool activates and stretches the entire posterior chain with one move. This way the focus is always on the most problematic and tightest part of the chain. In many cases the area or the part of the body, that rarely shows symptoms, is the cause of the problem. The actual problems lie somewhere else in the chain, but your back is showing the symptoms, for example.

Poor working positions, hunching or bent forward positions and extensive sitting burden intervertebral discs and ligaments. The front ends of the back vertebrae will start to get closer to each other and the intervertebral disc pressure will start to grow toward the back end of the vertebrae spacing. Uneven intervertebral disc pressure will cause back pain and with aging even spine degeneration.

Intervertebral disc degeneration caused by aging also exposes to back pain. The fluid concentration of intervertebral discs decreases, space between vertebrae becomes lower and changes in spine can be detected. VENYY creates a passive stretch which improves tissue metabolism and oxidization. It evens out the pressure directed to intervertebral discs and creates more space for them. Symptoms will usually become easier in a couple of days and normally the problems have remarkably relieved after a few weeks of use.

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Niveltieto 4/2021

Effective Chest Opener improves posture


Lack of exercise or static working conditions, especially sitting, will expose to muscular skeletal and cardiovascular problems. Changes in posture will occur and neck and shoulder problems will start to emerge.

Tight pectoral muscles, front shoulders and latissimus dorsi will pull shoulders forward and bring them to inner rotation. The incorrect positioning of the shoulder will burden the joint and expose it to pain and failure. Shoulders bent forward bent will cause a constant strain to upper muscles of the back. The upper back will start to round, and the neck will start to push forward. Muscle metabolism will weaken, and the neck and the shoulder area will start to tighten, even become painful. It is good to keep in mind that a tight thoracaector will burden thoracic vertebrae, and when its mobility is bad enough, it can cause a painful thora spine lock.

Chest Opener Stretch is a chain stretch that stretches pectoral muscle, front shoulder, bicep and wrist muscles. Latissimus dorsi stretches in the Posterior Chain Stretch very efficiently. When stretching tightened muscles around the shoulder, posture problems and neck and shoulder pains can be repaired. Also, repetitive strain injury like “mouse hand” symptoms will get better when wrist muscles get longer.

Happy Senior Couple

Risk of cardiovascular diseases decreases

New research shows that especially passive stretching of leg muscles is a significant way of reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and stroke.  Researchers propose that passive stretching could work as a non-pharmacological treatment to improve vascular function especially for individuals with limited mobility. ​

The passive stretching group had a decrease in the stiffness of arteries and the arteries expanded more. Blood pressure dropped at least temporarily. It seems that passive stretching could take care of the vascular system and improve the health of a person more than known before.

Stretching seems to have long term benefits as the results lasted up to 6 weeks from the passive stretching cessation. 

​Did you get interested? You can read the whole study below done by the University of Milan.

Mitä VENYY tekee?

What does muscle tension cause in your body?

  • Shortening of muscles and changes in joint angles lead to joint pain, arthritis and premature osteoarthritis. 


  • Uneven pressure of the indivertible discs grows when tightened muscles pull spine to a hunch causing back pain and exposing to intervertebral disc herniation, and eventually to even spine degeneration.


  • Tight and stiff muscles cause changes in posture and create bad posture. 


  • Weakening of the muscle metabolism. Tight muscles press capillaries and the nervous system preventing them from functioning normally. 


  • Increase in the risk of injury during performance and the risk of repetitive strain injury.


  • Decrease in performance levels.


What does VENYY do?

​LENGTHENs shortened muscles and works on their recovery to the normal length. Incorrect angle joints will start to amend, when a muscle builds more sarcomeres, and it grows in length. Joint pain will ease and the risk of premature osteoarthritis decrease.

ALIGNs the pressure directed to intervertebral discs and creates more space for them. It prevents and rehabilitates intervertebral disc herniation and releases nerves from the lowered vertebrae caused by intervertebral disc degeneration.

FIXes posture by opening tight and stiff muscles and preventing them from pulling the posture down. 


BOOSTs muscle metabolism by reducing muscle tightness and enabling capillaries and nervous system to function normally.


DECREASEs the risk of injury by balancing the body.


IMPROVEs performance levels by increasing movement economy.

VENYY also increases your muscle mass 

When using VENYY you won´t just get more flexible, but also stronger.
Did you know that regular stretching can increase your muscle mass and muscle endurance by over 20 %? Studies show that Passive Stretching cause muscle hypertrophy, an increase in size of skeletal muscle through a growth in size of its component cells. The mechanical stress caused by stretching increases muscle mass, and muscle endurance will increase with the muscle growth. The increase in muscle strength can also be explained by the increase in the length of the muscle. Longer muscle will contract faster. 

Design solutions

Design ratkaisut

To be able to provide a person with the most relaxed and pleasant stretching experience, the VENYY stretching tool has gone through many planning stages. The final design of VENYY has been thoroughly studied and carried out to endure heavy use.



The antibacterial handle is designed to give you a firm grip easily, without the need to squeeze hard so you can relax and enjoy the stretch.

8 kg Bar

The key to passive stretching is being passive and relaxed. That’s why VENYY is so heavy, it literally takes the work from you and makes it possible for your muscles to relax and stretch in a completely new way.

Technique Guiding Mat

VENYY comes with a complete instructional mat to guide you through our exercise. It will help you to get started, but ones VENYY becomes familiar and part of your daily routine, you can use VENYY without the mat as well.


The ergonomic and slip secure rubber ball specially designed for VENYY gives you a fraction free and smooth stretching experience.

DiGiovanna, E. L., Schiowitz, S. & Dowling, D. J. 2005. An Osteopathic Approach to Diagnosis and Treatment. s. 42. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

Kokkonen J., Nelson, A. G., Eldredge, C. & J. B. Winchester. 2007. Chronic Static Stretching Improves Exercise Performance. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc., Vol. 39, No. 10, pp. 1825-1831

Oduaiya, N.A., Hamzat, T.K. & Ajayi, O.F. 2005. The Effects of Static Stretch Duration on the Flexibility of Hamstring Muscles. African Journal of Biomedical Research, Vol. 8, 79 - 82 ISSN. 1119 – 5096.

Salvini T.F., Coutinho E.L., Russo T.L & DeLuca C. 2006. One-Minute Bouts of Passive Stretching After Immobilization Increase Sarcomerogenesis in Rat Soleus Muscle. Braz. J. morphol. Sci. 23(2), 271–277.

Steultjens, M. P. M., Dekker, J. &Van Baar, M.E. 2000. Range of Motion and Disability in Patients with Osteoarthritis of the Knee or Hip. Rheumatology; 39:955–61.

Suni, J. Muokattu viimeksi 3.12.2014. Säännöllinen staattinen venyttely parantaa suorituskykyä. UKK-Instituutti. www.ukkinstituutti.fi/tietoa_terveysliikunnasta/liikunnan_vaikutukset/tuki-_ja_liikuntaelimisto/saannollinen_staattinen_venyttely_parantaa_suorituskykya. Viitattu 3.7.2018

Weng, M-C., Lee C-L., Chen, C-H., Hsu, J-J., Lee, W-D., Huang, M-H. & Chen T-W. 2009. Effects of Different Stretching Techniques on the Outcomes of Isokinetic Exercise in Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis. Kaohsiung J Med Sci. Vol 25, No 6. 

Zoltz, T., Loureiro, A., Valderramas, S. & Gomes, A. 2014. Stretching – An Important Strategy to Prevent Musculoskeletal Aging. Geriatric Rehabilitation, vol. 30, number 4, 246 – 255.

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