Professional athletes need active body maintenance. A healthy and functioning body is a requirement for pursuing the profession. We are happy and honored to introduce you one of the professional athletes relying on VENYY. Mr Niklas Vettanen is a canoe sprinter and an Olympic athlete who became interested in VENYY through a friend.
"Training hours for me will accumulate to almost 700 per year and I train 2-3 times a day. Training at this level is a huge load to your body. Taking care of your body is extremely important to maintain the level and development of the exercises from one month to the next. Eating well, sleeping and muscle care are all equally important to training. Unfortunately, my muscle maintenance is often neglected, because it feels like there is no time or moment for that in the middle of all the rush.
I got to know VENYY through a friend and I was interested in the idea. Can muscle maintenance only be done in three minutes a day and have the necessary response to the muscles? In a few weeksĀ“ time, I could see a clear difference in my mobility, and I had much less pain in my back. After the first positive experiences I continued to use VENYY daily. I was interested to see if there were be a change in a longer term, or if the effects were those that I saw in two weeks. Now I have got my new season restarted and the training running again.
I have been using VENYY regularly and noticed how well it functions after the exercises when the muscles are already in the state of inflammation. By means of VENYY I have been able to speed up the recovery of the muscles without any excessive pulling. Also the posture of the back and its mobility have continued to improve! I am sure I will continue to have the VENYY tool as part of my own exercise routines.
I recommend everyone to try VENYY and notice the difference!"
Competition picture: Kai Lindqvist.