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I missed VENYY during my internship

At the Turku Vocational Institute VENYY is a part of studying. “Being a professional is not just that you are good at your job, but also that you can take care of yourself – your body and your mind”, tells Mónika Törn, a teacher of health and physical education.

The Finnish National Agency for Education hosted a program called HOI! (well-being, participation and excitement for vocational education). The Program makes it possible for students and personnel to use VENYY regularly.

Textile and fashion students were among the first ones to start using VENYY. Teacher Raili Jokinen instructed everyone to use VENYY once a day. “One part of the students’ evaluation is work ability and work well-being. In our profession, work positions are difficult and we sit our backs bent forward all day long. With VENYY we can create a countermove and prevent the typical back and shoulder problems that our professionals suffer from.”

Students are really excited about VENYY. “It feels like I am always tense. Stretching with VENYY feels so good between sewing. It opens up my back and shoulders. When I was in internship, I missed VENYY! So nice to get back to school and start using VENYY again”, tells Kira Hopponen, Student.

The Finnish National Agency for Education hosted a program called HOI! (well-being, participation and excitement for vocational education). The Program activates students and teachers by increasing physical activity during the day. For more information, please go to:

In the pictures from left to right: Henna Holmroos, Mónika Törn and Raili Jokinen.

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